Spell with Flickr

Monday, March 26, 2012

Back to the Blog

After a hiatus, the blog is back! This week we are going to visit an old, childhood friend. I would like you to create a 30 minute art work in a "kids" medium (sidewalk chalk, crayons, playdoh, fingerpaints, shrinky-dinks, etc...) Reconnect with your inner-child and wake up that imagination!

Monday, February 27, 2012

What's Wrong???

Something bugging you? For this week's blog, think of a problem. Any problem, big or small will do. I want you to create a 30 minute artwork that presents this problem and expresses your thoughts and feelings about it. Choose a medium that suits it best. Post a picture and a brief (a couple of sentences) explanation of your artwork by Friday.

Check out these artists for inspiration:

Monday, February 6, 2012

My web finds (you should check these out)

the most expensive painting EVER!!! - Interesting story about the recent sale of a painting that got the highest price ever paid for a painting. What do you think? Was this painting worth $250M?

this blogger really understands how art works - Amazing thinker and artist. This guy posts about how we view art, why we feel a certain way when viewing art, and how an artwork is put together. Very cool especially if you like thinking about how art connects to other things.

Blog assignment ---- news and views

This week's blog is a 2-parter:
1. Find and post a news story related to art that you find interesting. Along with your link, post your reasons for picking this story.
2. Search blogger and share a blog with us that you think is creative, artistic and cool. Tell us why we should check out this blog. (and follow them if they are really interesting!)

This can be done in the same post, or 2 separate.

As you well know, the web is an immense resource. If you find more than one blog or news story, share it all! Bonus possible!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Favorite Medium Challenge

And now... the first challenge of the year!
Occasionally, our class will host challenges to create a work of art. This week's comes straight from last week's blog assignment:
You will create a work of art in the medium that you selected as your favorite. You will have exactly 30 minutes (no more, no less) to create your artwork. Post a picture with a title by Friday. See me if you need help photographing or scanning your work.
Ready, Set, GO!!!

My Favorite Medium

This was a difficult decision. I'd like to fancy myself a versatile artist, but I definitely feel that there are some strengths and weaknesses in my artmaking. If you had asked me this question in high school, I would say that my favorite is by far pencil.
Now, however, I really enjoy charcoal. I think this is because I really enjoy life drawing, and most of my classes in college used charcoal when we were drawing people. I love that it can be altered and adjusted easily. I also enjoy the feel of getting your fingers involved, not just the point of a drawing tool. I love the deep, rich shades and the delicate lights that can be achieved. Overall, charcoal rocks! (imho)

Monday, January 9, 2012

For this week's blog, tell us about your favorite art-making medium and post a picture to accompany it.  Also, be sure that you are following all of your classmates' blogs.  Both of these must be accomplished by this Friday 1/13.